Sunscreen & Fertility Safety
What we put on our skin is safe, right? Well, not necessarily, according to some new studies. The daily products we slather on our skin may be causing more harm than good, depending on what it is, how long it’s been on your shelf, and what your health issues are, including having trouble getting pregnant.
A new studying coming out of the University of Copenhagen is showing that sunscreens may be one of these substances, as it may lower men’s (and potentially women’s) fertility. Any lotion, spray or stick that absorbs UV-filtering chemicals may affect people negatively, and may stop sperm from working properly. Further studies went on to show that 13 of the 29 UV filters induced calcium ion influxes in the sperm cell, thus interfering with normal cell function.
More research needs to be done, and until we have all the answers, perhaps the best way for men to proceed with sun & skin care if they are planning on having children or are actively TTC (trying to conceive) is to use natural, organic products, and avoid wearing chemical sunscreens on a daily basis, perhaps replacing them with barrier protection, such as hats, long sleeved shirts, etc. If you are someone you know is trying to conceive or experiencing male factor issues, please encourage them to see their fertility specialist right away.
If you have questions or concerns about fertility, do’s & don’ts, or male fertility issues, feel free to call Santa Monica Fertility – we are always happy to answer your questions and help you on your path to parenthood!
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